“I will state unequivocally that ‘nobody but nobody’ amongst them is going to do constructive animal breeding or produce a satisfactory percentage of top specimens, and most certainly they WILL NOT build a strain within the breed. This having been proved to be true innumerable times by geneticists and all successful animal breeders, regardless of variety, what follows can be of value or interest to those now doing such outcross breeding only for one reason: to demonstrate why they are not getting the desired results.”[i]
Brackett emphatically stated that one must outcross only for a definite purpose! In doing so, one may find that the first generation of outcross generally will prove successful. However, the offspring of succeeding generations of outcross breeding will be a “heterogenous lot” which displays any lack of uniformity. Breeders face the danger of losing any breed type they desire to retain. This has the potential of being very notable in differing type in both size and proportion.
Furthermore, Brackett advocated outcrossing only for specific purpose. This could be employed “to correct a fault or faults which may have shown up in his inbred strain.”[ii] The more distant breeding undertaken, one can expect less uniformity. Brackett rests this premise on the authority of Onstott
who stated that “any virtues which may be added to a strain through outcrossing. . . . .cannot be looked upon as inherit in that strain until they have been purified and fixed within that strain through inbreeding.”
[i] Ibid., pages 14-15.
[ii] Ibid., page 15.
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